= 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17
m m
[1] 510510
Nina Zumel
March 14, 2025
Here’s another puzzle, from Henry Dudeney’s Perplexities column in Strand Magazine, January 1924.
Arrange the ten digits, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0, in such order that they shall form a number that may be divided by every number from 2 to 18 without in any case a remainder. As an example, if I arrange them thus: 1 2 7 4 9 5 3 6 8 0, this number can be divided by 2,3,4,5, and so on up to 16, without any remainder, but it breaks down at 17.
One of the additional challenges in taking puzzles from these older sources is to try to solve them the way a puzzle-solver would have, back in 1924. In this case, I wasn’t successful at finding a pure paper-and-pencil solution, but I did find an elegant modern solution that would have been possible with the computational machines of the era.
But before I show you my solution, try it yourself, first! My solution after The Mathematicians.
Let’s look at a super brute force solution first, and then a more elegant, but still not quite paper-and-pencil one.
With a modern computer, one could simply generate all
We can also reduce the number of permutations by taking advantage of some facts about divisibility.
A number is:
Combining these facts, we can deduce that the last two digits of our target number must be 20, 40, 60, or 80. This leaves (for each case),
Here’s a solution that reduces the number of candidates even more. This time, we’ll start by finding the smallest number,
Let’s code this solution up, in R.
We’ll start by multiplying all the primes in our range:
Note that this number is also divisible by 6=2*3, 10=2*5, 14=2*7
, and 15=3*5
. What factors are left? To save the trouble of tracking this by hand, we’ll write a function to return which integers in the range 2:18 a number m
is not divisible by.
not_divisible_by = function(m) {
candidates = 2:18
remainders = m %% candidates
candidates[remainders != 0]
[1] 4 8 9 12 16 18
If we further multiply
[1] 16
That gives us m = 12252240, which should be the smallest number divisible by all integers from 2 to 18. The number we want must therefore be a multiple of m
Now we need to
First, we’ll find the range of candidates.
# the smallest possible candidate
minC = 1234567890
# the largest possible candidate
maxC = 9876543210
# the range of multipliers to consider
crange = round(c(minC, maxC) / m)
[1] 101 806
This leaves 706 candidates to check, which is far fewer than 161,280. We already know all these candidates are divisible by all the integers from 2 to 18; we just need to check which ones are a number comprised of ten unique digits.
So let’s write the filter and do the calculation:
ten_unique_digits = function(nint) {
nstring = as.character(nint)
if (nchar(nstring) != 10)
# create a vector of digits
digits = unlist(strsplit(nstring, split = ""))
length(unique(digits)) == length(digits)
candidates = m * crange[1]:crange[2]
cfilter = vapply(candidates, ten_unique_digits, logical(1))
solns = candidates[cfilter]
[1] 2438195760 3785942160 4753869120 4876391520
There are 4 solutions! Let’s check manually that all solutions are valid.
for(s in solns) {
print(paste("Checking solution", s))
for (i in 2:18) {
stopifnot(s %% i == 0)
print("--- Checks out")
[1] "Checking solution 2438195760"
[1] "--- Checks out"
[1] "Checking solution 3785942160"
[1] "--- Checks out"
[1] "Checking solution 4753869120"
[1] "--- Checks out"
[1] "Checking solution 4876391520"
[1] "--- Checks out"
[1] 199 309 388 398
And we are done! ✅
It’s easy to find m
and worked their way up, they would have to check 199 - 101 + 1 = 99 candidates before they find a solution. That doesn’t sound fun anymore.
Fortunately, even in 1924, a sophisticated puzzle-solver (like Dudeney) might not need to do the calculation purely by pencil and paper. They could have used a mechanical calculator of the era, like the Arithmometer below:
With such a device, a puzzle-solver could literally crank out multiples of
You can read more about older calculation technologies in John Mount’s article, Calculating at Pencil and Paper Scale.
One of the descendants of the Arithmometer is the Curta calculator, and we at Win Vector just happen to have one! Solving this problem with a Curta would be much like solving it with an Arithmometer. Here’s a video of John Mount “finding” the smallest solution to the puzzle:
The discovered solution is in the black area, and the associated multiple of
Now that I know about the Arithmometer and related devices, I’m not too worried about whether Dudeney could have executed my solution. But I do feel sorry for any poor Strand Magazine readers who didn’t have the latest calculating technology. And I still wonder if I’m missing an even more clever trick, which would have made this solvable with just pencil and paper. If I ever find such a solution, I’ll post it here at Puzzle Corner. And if you ever find one, please do write in and let us know!
A number is divisible by 4 if its last two digits are divisible by 4.
N = 724
n = 24
M = N - n = 700
700 is divisible by 100, therefore divisible by 4. 24 is divisible by 4. Therefore 724 is divisible by 4.